Go to this page on the My.Scouting.org to register with Pack 409.
Cub Scouts begins as early as kindergarten and runs through most of fifth grade. There is no wrong time to join. We’ve had plenty of scouts who joined in later grades and have still graduated into Scouts BSA troops.
We generally have one full Pack meeting and one Den meeting (organized by grade level) per month.
We always have opportunities for parents to take on leadership positions. A couple hours a month can make a huge difference in helping our Scouts.
We help our Scouts earn both the NOVA and Supernova STEM awards. One of our leaders is a registered counselor and can help your child through the requirements.
See Scouting Nova for more information.
Visit https://www.scouting.org/programs/cub-scouts/ for all your questions about Cub Scouts and Scouting in general.